

Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 15 years, 9 months ago

WiAOC 2009 Second Life Strand





Join our sessions in SL!


Contact Dafne Gonzalez (Daf Smirnov)



Getting Started

If you have never been to SL, follow these instructions:






  • If you don’t have an avatar already create your avatar by clicking here.




  • Download the Second Life software by clicking here.



  • You will also need:
    • Headsets (USB suggested)
  • Read this SL Quick Start Guide




Our sessions in SL


Day Time (GMT & SLT) Place Speaker(s) Title Abstract
Friday May 22

9:00 GMT

2:00 am SLT

Muvenation Sandbox


Session overview

Teresa Almeida d'Eça

Tere Short in SL



The XyText Notecard Reader
This is partly a demo session in which I will show how to use the Notecard Reader (NR) and partly a hands-on session in which participants can play with the NR that I will give them. Towards the end we'll brainstorm ideas about how to use this tool. 

10:00 GMT

3:00 SLT


Morgen's Platform

Angelina Macedo/

Morgen String in SL


Benefits and drawbacks of using The 2in1 Holodeck and the vComm Presenter in Education  In this session two tools will be presented and explored: The 2in1 Holoeck and the vComm Presenter. The benefits and drawbacks of using them for educational purposes will be highlighted 




  17:00 (GMT) - 10:00 am SLT Languagelab

Jessica Driscoll /

Jessie Teacher in SL 

jessie@ languagelab.com



Social relationships in English City.   This presentation looks at the social relationships that students have with the 'English City People' who play functional roles in the virtual space.  This draws a correlation between the architecture of virtual worlds and a learning environment based on learning through social contexts  


Sus Nyrop


18:00 GMT


11:00 AM SLT



Moira Hunter (RL)

Busy Link (SL)

Marlene Brooks (RL)

Zana Kohime (SL)


Jon Brouchoud (RL)

Keystone Bouchard (SL)



The Learning Curve for Architectural Education in Virtual Worlds

Join us in an unconference discussion. 


Topic:  blending language learning, architecture, virtual  worlds, technologies and the pros and cons.


WhereArchiTECool (Architecture through Technology Enhanced Collaborative Online Learning in Other Languages)

  21:00 (GMT) - 14:00 SLT  Ciudad Bonita in SL  


Dafne González /

Daf Smirnov in SL   

Cristina Palomeque /

Cristina Papp in SL 

A tour of Ciudad Bonita in Second Life   Come visit our mediterranean city "Ciudad Bonita" in SL, which was especially built to teach Spanish. You will find out where and how we teach.  Have fun playing with our educational tools. 

22:00 GMT

15:00 SLT 

Plaza de Ciudad Bonita in SL  

Evelyn Izquierdo/

Evelyn Michalski in SL

Jennifer Verschoor/

Tamara Ashton in SL 

SL Basic Skills (For beginners)   A basic workshop for newbies in SL. Learn in a fun way to walk, fly, jump, move objects, use camara controls, and many other SL skills.  


May 23 

7:00 GMT

12:00 am (midnight) SLT (from Friday to Saturday




Simulcast for users with little SL experience. AUDIO only with text chat. http://webheadsinaction.org/chat



Carol Rainbow /

Carolrb Roux in SL 

carolrb@rmplc.co. uk

Making audio posters for vocabulary practice   

This workshop will enable building beginner delegates to create image resources that language learners can interact with to hear vocabulary items.  All resources needed will be provided. During the session participants will learn how to make a poster board, add a texture and script to make it play a sound file.

Provided during the session:

·         Sample English sound files including days of the week, season, months & numbers

·         Textures corresponding to the sound files

·         Touch and step-on scripts for interaction

·         Notecards explaining the process for the touch script in English and Spanish

·         A  notecard explaining where to download Audacity and how to use it to create appropriate sound files for SL

·         Posters explaining the process to put up in the workshop area

·         Examples for delegates to try out – and freebies to take away 


9:00am GMT

2:00am SLT 

LLL3D Island 


Simulcast for users with little SL experience. AUDIO only with text chat. http://webheadsinaction.org/chat


 Giuliana Perco

(SL: Cvetka Nacht)

Jaime Alamo

(SL: Alpha Lorgsval)

Jennifer Stanigar

(SL: Bonbon Braveheart)

Margarita Pérez-García

(SL: Paz Lorenz)



Creating Flexible Learning Environments with Builders Buddy In this workshop you will learn how to create your own portable personal teaching space using the Builders Buddy scripts.  



10.30 - 12.00 GMT


3:30 - 5:30 am SLT

(Also part of the SLanguages conference)


Edunation II - Amphitheatre


Nergiz Kern

(SL: Daffodil Fargis)

Dennis Newson

(SL: Osnacantab Nesterov)

Nick Noakes

(SL: Corwin Carillon)

Graham Stanley

(SL: Baldric Commons)


Language Teacher Training in Second Life

Panel presentation / discussion 


This panel discussion will present the experiences from a 6-week online workshop organised through TESOL's 'Electronic Village Online' and will be followed by a guided discussion on the best ways of using Second Life for teaching and learning languages.


Presentation slides


14:00 GMT

07:00 am SLT



Simulcast for users with little SL experience. AUDIO only with text chat. http://webheadsinaction.org/chat




Shiv Rajendran

Shiv Teacher in SL


 Learning in Virtual Worlds    Presentation:  How learning has traditionally taken place in Virtual Worlds and how this can be applied to teaching  

16:00 GMT 

9:00 am SLT


Chris Speck /

CaptainJayBird Beck

in SL 

chris@languagelab. com 

Demonstration of Virtual Language Learning Machines and their use

and in the virtual classroom.  

I love creating games and puzzles for language students and SL offers possibilities beyond real life. I'd like to demonstrate and share some of the machines I've made and ask for feedback and comments on these. Puzzles and Machines to Demo:
1.  Spelling/vocab Bridges and stairs
2.  Multiple Choice Machines. The Sick Dog, The Treasure Chest, The Mine, The Robot- The same old task with a twist
3. The Shooting Gallery
4.  Human Close tests
5.   Ten Pin Bowliing with Words

These are fairly big and numerous prims. I'd expect the demo to go on for an hour with the first forty mins on demonstration and the last twenty on feedback. 

  18:00 GMT

11:00 am SLT 

 Muvenation Sandbox


Antonella Berriolo /

Anna Begonia in SL 


 Playing with sounds and prims.    Workshop:

What will we do?

With 3 simple ingredients: a sound file, a prim and a script, we will cook some easy tools to use in class or for self access exercises. 



13:00 SLT (1:00 pm)

 SL (Univ. of Essex)


(read comments on venue - under abstract)



Iffaf Khan iykhan@essex.ac. uk 

 Monday morning classes   The title of the topic refers to the idea of why self-access material is important.  This is a talk and a swap shop of tools for self-access.  The aim is two-fold: to illustrate how Second Life provides opportunities for self-access and to provide examples of self-access material.   The audience are asked to bring their own ideas and suggestions of self-access material to the swap shop. 

This will last for one hour. Venue: The event would be held in our Ivor Crewe Auditorium (which is a replica of the real one).  Participants would have to visit the campus the day before, at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Wivenhoe%20Island/247/26/22 , to request a group invitation.  Two hours before the event they would be given a day pass and after the event they will be ejected from the group

There will be a drop box at the above-mentioned location one week before the talk.  Participants can drop notecards in it with their comments, ideas or suggestions for self-access in RL and SL.  Participants should clearly name their notecards.  I'll make the drop box full-perm so they can see and read each other's notecards ahead of time.  It should add to the flavour of the swap shop and it make it truly interactive. 






Sunday, May 24  

6:00 GMT

11:00 pm (Saturday evening) SLT 





7 free tools to improve group discussion in SL  Demonstration of 7 free tools that will help teachers to manage groups discussions in SL.  

7:00 GMT

12:00 am (midnight) SL Time
from Sat to Sunday

Islands of jokaydia (SLurl) 


Simulcast for users with little SL experience. AUDIO only with text chat. http://webheadsinaction.org/chat

Select Webheads chat room

Jo Kay and Islands of jokaydia Residents


Immersing in Virtual Worlds - jokaydia style!   Join us for some immersive activities on the Islands of jokaydia and discuss building communities of practice and learning opportunities in Virtual Worlds with members of the Islands of jokaydia Community of Practice

8:00 GMT

01:00 am SLT

Bar Don Quixote in Ciudad Bonita


Cristina Palomeque /

Cristina Papp in SL


Achieving the Ying Yand in language education in virtual worlds   Research in progress:  This paper aims to show how students and teachers enter the virtual classroom with a set of expectations and beliefs about language learning and teaching which very often are not shared among the agents in this process. Identifying these mismatches will help teachers and students to minimize tensions, increase understanding and maximize learning opportunities.

10:00 am GMT

3:00 am SLT


 Muvenation Sandbox 


Simulcast for users with little SL experience. AUDIO only with text chat. http://webheadsinaction.org/chat

Select Webheads chat room

Antonella Berriolo /

Anna Begonia in SL 



Playing with sounds and prims.     Workshop:

What will we do?

With 3 simple ingredients: a sound file, a prim and a script, we will cook some easy tools to use in class or for self access exercises. 


21:00 GMT

14:00 pm in SLT 

LLL3D Island


Carmela Dell'Aria/Misy Ferraris in SL


Teaching and learning with MUVEs.
 Educational tools for language classes: games and quizzes   

During this session I'll show you some educational tools that a teacher can manage for a creative and funny language activities in SL. I'll give you the opportunity to be involved in a demonstration lesson for learning simple and basic Italian words. Participants can try games and quizzes during the session.  






Our Partners in SL







Comments (4)

iffaf@... said

at 8:38 am on May 23, 2009

The timings seem to be a little mixed up. Please note that the 'self-access' swap shop is at 12pm SL.

Nina Liakos said

at 11:51 am on May 23, 2009

This page is a great idea! Also streaming SL sessions for non SLers is great. I wonder if many people used that. Did you have it in 2007? If so I did not know about it. A good way to get a feel for SL without actually creating an account. It would have been good for me last time.

Daf said

at 3:15 pm on May 23, 2009

Hi Nina, in 2007 we did not have a SL strand.

Daf said

at 3:16 pm on May 23, 2009

Iffaf, I sent a message that the first times published were not right. I used UK time instead of GMT which is the time in which the sessions are scheduled. So, every sessions was moved one hour later.

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