
Teaching and learning with MUVEs- Educational tools for language classes:games and quizzes

Page history last edited by carmendell64@... 15 years, 9 months ago




I teach English in a secondary school, but actually I’m also a specialized teacher for students in special needs. I spend half of my time as a Professor for a CALL Lab at the University of Palermo. After many professional experiences abroad and in Italy I’m currently doing research on blended learning, videogames and social networks. My key interests include: learner motivation, encouraging learner autonomy, ICT and the use of Web 2.0 tools and virtual worlds in teaching and learning languages, non verbal communication, investigating the use of SL in education, portability to SL of lessons learnt from e-learning of English and Italian teaching, social networks. Actually I'm offering free activities and classes for people who want to learn Italian or have a basic knowledge about this language and culture (Italian Pronunciation, Café Italia, Italian Classes for Beginners).

I’m glad of working on some educational projects in Second Life because I am eager to learn more about teaching and learning with Multi-Users Virtual Environments.



Contact Details


Email: carmendellaria@libero.it

Second Life: Misy Ferraris

Skype: carmendell964

Facebook: search for Misy Ferraris 


Title of presentation


Teaching and Learning with MUVEs. Educational tools for language classes: games and quizzes  



Presentation Date / Time


21.00 UTC / GMT - May 24th 2009




LLL3D Island


Presentation abstract or description


During this session I'll talk about some of my formal and informal teaching experiences in SL, showing you some educational tools that a teacher can manage for a creative and funny language activities in SL. I'll give you the opportunity to be involved in a demo session for learning simple and basic Italian words by games and quizzes.  


You could also learn more about the following educational tools:

- Notecard giver

- Wordgrid

- Vocab-U-Matic

- Stackable blocks

- Main Presentation Screen V3.0 (multi-user version)

- Spidergram datadisplay and planner

- Quizmaster

- Quiz survey

- Interactive book

- Scripts for quiz and games (trivia and treasure hunt)



Further information / links













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